Promoting science and technology education through spaceflight and weather balloons.

Moon Pi and Mountain Shadow

By |2025-03-14T09:09:18-04:00March 14th, 2025|Categories: NASA News, Uncategorized|Tags: , , , , , |

Photo of the Day What phase of the Moon is 3.14 radians from the Sun? The Full Moon, of course. Even though the Moon might look full for several days, the Moon is truly at its full phase when it is Pi radians (aka 180 degrees) from the Sun in ecliptic longitude. That's opposite [...]

Shadow of a Martian Robot

By |2024-06-05T09:09:15-04:00June 5th, 2024|Categories: NASA News, Uncategorized|Tags: , , , , , |

Photo of the Day What if you saw your shadow on Mars and it wasn't human? Then you might be the Perseverance rover exploring Mars. Perseverance has been examining the Red Planet since 2021, finding evidence of its complex history of volcanism and ancient flowing water, and sending breathtaking images across the inner Solar [...]

Moon’s Shadow over Lake Magog

By |2024-04-09T09:09:13-04:00April 9th, 2024|Categories: NASA News, Uncategorized|Tags: , , , , , |

Photo of the Day Captured in this snapshot, the shadow of the Moon came to Lake Magog, Quebec, North America, planet Earth on April 8. For the lakeside eclipse chasers, the much anticipated total solar eclipse was a spectacle to behold in briefly dark, but clear skies. Of course Lake Magog was one of [...]

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